Bill 117 H.Res. 1519 is a resolution that sets the stage for the consideration of another bill, H.R. 8393, which aims to give the people of Puerto Rico the opportunity to select a permanent, nonterritorial, fully self-governing political status for the island. This bill also outlines a plan for the transition to and implementation of this new political status.
The resolution provides a framework for the discussion and debate of H.R. 8393 within the US Congress. It emphasizes the importance of allowing the people of Puerto Rico to have a say in determining their political future and ensuring that their voices are heard in the decision-making process.
The ultimate goal of H.R. 8393 is to grant Puerto Rico a political status that is not based on territorial designation and allows for full self-governance. This would mark a significant shift in the relationship between Puerto Rico and the United States, potentially leading to greater autonomy and decision-making power for the island.
Overall, Bill 117 H.Res. 1519 sets the stage for a crucial conversation about the political future of Puerto Rico and the potential for a new, more independent relationship between the island and the United States.