Permanent Extension of Rate Cuts and Extension of National Tax Simplification Act of 2022 or the PERCENTS Act of 2022
This bill makes permanent provisions in Public Law 115-97 (also known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act) relating to individual taxpayers, including the modification of individual income and capital gains tax rates and the increased exemption for the alternative minimum tax. It also increases the standard tax deduction and repeals the limitation on itemized tax deductions.
Permanent Extension of Rate Cuts and Extension of National Tax Simplification Act of 2022 or the PERCENTS Act of 2022
This bill makes permanent provisions in Public Law 115-97 (also known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act) relating to individual taxpayers, including the modification of individual income and capital gains tax rates and the increased exemption for the alternative minimum tax. It also increases the standard tax deduction and repeals the limitation on itemized tax deductions.
Permanent Extension of Rate Cuts and Extension of National Tax Simplification Act of 2022 or the PERCENTS Act of 2022
This bill makes permanent provisions in Public Law 115-97 (also known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act) rela...