Depend on Domestic Clean Energy Act or the DOD Clean Energy Act
This bill addresses energy policy and climate resilience efforts of the Department of Defense (DOD), including by establishing in statute specified DOD clean energy targets, providing direct hire authority for DOD to appoint qualified candidates in positions that support the energy independence and climate resilience efforts, and authorizing DOD to develop charging or refueling stations for alternative fuel vehicles on its installations.
Depend on Domestic Clean Energy Act or the DOD Clean Energy Act
This bill addresses energy policy and climate resilience efforts of the Department of Defense (DOD), including by establishing in statute specified DOD clean energy targets, providing direct hire authority for DOD to appoint qualified candidates in positions that support the energy independence and climate resilience efforts, and authorizing DOD to develop charging or refueling stations for alternative fuel vehicles on its installations.
Depend on Domestic Clean Energy Act or the DOD Clean Energy Act
This bill addresses energy policy and climate resilience efforts of the Department of Defense (DOD), including by establishing in statute specified DOD clean energy tar...