American Ammo in Defense of Ukraine Act
This bill authorizes the President to waive certain payments and requirements for deliveries of ammunition to Ukraine until the armed conflict in Ukraine ends.
Specifically, for certain types of ammunition or ordnance to be delivered to a qualified entity providing such items to Ukraine, the President may transport the items without charging the transportation costs to Ukraine. The President may also, to expedite delivery of such items, waive any applicable Department of State or Department of Commerce export criteria.
American Ammo in Defense of Ukraine Act
This bill authorizes the President to waive certain payments and requirements for deliveries of ammunition to Ukraine until the armed conflict in Ukraine ends.
Specifically, for certain types of ammunition or ordnance to be delivered to a qualified entity providing such items to Ukraine, the President may transport the items without charging the transportation costs to Ukraine. The President may also, to expedite delivery of such items, waive any applicable Department of State or Department of Commerce export criteria.
American Ammo in Defense of Ukraine Act
This bill authorizes the President to waive certain payments and requirements for deliveries of ammunition to Ukraine until the armed conflict in Ukraine ends.
Specifically, f...