Making Advances Kinetic Education, Research, and Skills Act or the MAKERS Act
This bill directs the National Science Foundation to award competitive grants to institutions of higher education or their consortia to support the research and development of makerspaces to assist in the formation of a workforce capable of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). Makerspaces are community spaces that (1) provide access to tools, technology, and knowledge for learners and entrepreneurs; (2) result in prototyping or creation of physical goods, interdisciplinary learning, and educational innovation; and (3) support the development of educational opportunities for personal growth, workforce training, and early stage business ventures.
Grants may be used for (1) research on the effectiveness of makerspaces in engaging students and the community in STEM skills and in teaching and learning, (2) the compilation and dissemination of best practices on the use of makerspaces for STEM learning and workforce preparedness, and (3) equipment to achieve such purposes.
Funds furnished through a grant may not be used for the construction of a building or facility to hold a makerspace unless such construction is necessary for safety reasons or the use of relevant equipment.
Making Advances Kinetic Education, Research, and Skills Act or the MAKERS Act
This bill directs the National Science Foundation to award competitive grants to institutions of higher education or their consortia to support the research and development of makerspaces to assist in the formation of a workforce capable of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). Makerspaces are community spaces that (1) provide access to tools, technology, and knowledge for learners and entrepreneurs; (2) result in prototyping or creation of physical goods, interdisciplinary learning, and educational innovation; and (3) support the development of educational opportunities for personal growth, workforce training, and early stage business ventures.
Grants may be used for (1) research on the effectiveness of makerspaces in engaging students and the community in STEM skills and in teaching and learning, (2) the compilation and dissemination of best practices on the use of makerspaces for STEM learning and workforce preparedness, and (3) equipment to achieve such purposes.
Funds furnished through a grant may not be used for the construction of a building or facility to hold a makerspace unless such construction is necessary for safety reasons or the use of relevant equipment.
Making Advances Kinetic Education, Research, and Skills Act or the MAKERS Act
This bill directs the National Science Foundation to award competitive grants to institutions of higher education or their consortia to support the resear...
Grants may be used for (1) research on the effectiveness of makerspaces in engaging students and the community in STEM skills and in teaching and learning, (2) the compilation and dissemination of best practices on the use of makerspaces for STEM learning and workforce preparedness, and (3) equipment to achieve such purposes.
Funds furnished through a grant may not be used for the construction of a building or facility to hold a makerspace unless such construction is necessary for safety reasons or the use of relevant equipment.