Manufacturing Assistance to Determine Emissions Act or the MADE Act
This bill requires the Environmental Protection Agency to establish a program to enhance the transparency and availability of life-cycle assessment data on products made from certain material, such as aluminum, steel, and concrete. Life-cycle assessments examine the greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts associated with all stages of the product's life cycle.
Manufacturing Assistance to Determine Emissions Act or the MADE Act
This bill requires the Environmental Protection Agency to establish a program to enhance the transparency and availability of life-cycle assessment data on products made from certain material, such as aluminum, steel, and concrete. Life-cycle assessments examine the greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts associated with all stages of the product's life cycle.
Manufacturing Assistance to Determine Emissions Act or the MADE Act
This bill requires the Environmental Protection Agency to establish a program to enhance the transparency and availability of life-cycle assessment data on products...