Steel Industry Preservation Act
This bill extends and modifies the production tax credit for steel industry fuel. (Under current law, steel industry fuel is a fuel that is (1) produced through a process of liquefying coal waste sludge and distributing it on coal, and (2) used as a feedstock for the manufacture of coke.)
Specifically, the bill modifies the tax credit to (1) extend the credit period and the placed-in-service date for steel industry fuel producing facilities, (2) revise the definition of steel industry fuel to allow blends of coal and petroleum coke or other coke feedstock in the fuel, and (3) specify requirements for treating an owner as producing and selling steel industry fuel.
The bill also allows a taxpayer that produces steel industry fuel to elect to accept an increased tax credit in lieu of certain deductions for expenses in connection with the production of steel industry fuel.
Steel Industry Preservation Act
This bill extends and modifies the production tax credit for steel industry fuel. (Under current law, steel industry fuel is a fuel that is (1) produced through a process of liquefying coal waste sludge and distributing it on coal, and (2) used as a feedstock for the manufacture of coke.)
Specifically, the bill modifies the tax credit to (1) extend the credit period and the placed-in-service date for steel industry fuel producing facilities, (2) revise the definition of steel industry fuel to allow blends of coal and petroleum coke or other coke feedstock in the fuel, and (3) specify requirements for treating an owner as producing and selling steel industry fuel.
The bill also allows a taxpayer that produces steel industry fuel to elect to accept an increased tax credit in lieu of certain deductions for expenses in connection with the production of steel industry fuel.
Steel Industry Preservation Act
This bill extends and modifies the production tax credit for steel industry fuel. (Under current law, steel industry fuel is a fuel that is (1) produced through a process of liquefying coal waste slu...
Specifically, the bill modifies the tax credit to (1) extend the credit period and the placed-in-service date for steel industry fuel producing facilities, (2) revise the definition of steel industry fuel to allow blends of coal and petroleum coke or other coke feedstock in the fuel, and (3) specify requirements for treating an owner as producing and selling steel industry fuel.
The bill also allows a taxpayer that produces steel industry fuel to elect to accept an increased tax credit in lieu of certain deductions for expenses in connection with the production of steel industry fuel.