Providing Resources and Occupational Training for Emotional Crisis and Trauma in 911 Act or the PROTECT 911 Act
This bill requires reporting on, and authorizes a grant program to address, suicide and other behavioral health issues among 9-1-1 operators and other public safety personnel who receive and communicate requests for emergency assistance.
Specifically, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention must develop a reporting system to collect data on the suicide rate among and identify best practices to reduce suicides within that profession.
In addition, the bill establishes within the Department of Homeland Security grants for emergency communications centers and relevant nonprofits to raise awareness of, prevent, and mitigate job-related mental health issues.
Providing Resources and Occupational Training for Emotional Crisis and Trauma in 911 Act or the PROTECT 911 Act
This bill requires reporting on, and authorizes a grant program to address, suicide and other behavioral health issues among 9-1-1 operators and other public safety personnel who receive and communicate requests for emergency assistance.
Specifically, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention must develop a reporting system to collect data on the suicide rate among and identify best practices to reduce suicides within that profession.
In addition, the bill establishes within the Department of Homeland Security grants for emergency communications centers and relevant nonprofits to raise awareness of, prevent, and mitigate job-related mental health issues.
Providing Resources and Occupational Training for Emotional Crisis and Trauma in 911 Act or the PROTECT 911 Act
This bill requires reporting on, and authorizes a grant program to address, suicide and other behavioral healt...
Specifically, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention must develop a reporting system to collect data on the suicide rate among and identify best practices to reduce suicides within that profession.
In addition, the bill establishes within the Department of Homeland Security grants for emergency communications centers and relevant nonprofits to raise awareness of, prevent, and mitigate job-related mental health issues.