Advisory bodies•
Air quality•
Alternative and renewable resources•
American Samoa•
Animal and plant health•
Aquatic ecology•
Arctic and polar regions•
Atmospheric science and weather•
Buy American requirements•
Cardiovascular and respiratory health•
Caribbean area•
Climate change and greenhouse gases•
Congressional oversight•
Disaster relief and insurance•
District of Columbia•
Electric power generation and transmission•
Emergency medical services and trauma care•
Emergency planning and evacuation•
Endangered and threatened species•
Energy efficiency and conservation•
Environmental Protection•
Environmental assessment, monitoring, research•
Environmental health•
Environmental technology•
Executive agency funding and structure•
Firearms and explosives•
Floods and storm protection•
Food industry and services•
Geography and mapping•
Government information and archives•
Government studies and investigations•
Government trust funds•
Great Lakes•
Gulf of Mexico•
Hazardous wastes and toxic substances•
Historical and cultural resources•
Indian lands and resources rights•
Infectious and parasitic diseases•
Infrastructure development•
Intergovernmental relations•
International law and treaties•
International organizations and cooperation•
Lakes and rivers•
Marine and coastal resources, fisheries•
Marine and inland water transportation•
Marine pollution•
Marshall Islands•
Natural disasters•
Navigation, waterways, harbors•
Noise pollution•
Northern Mariana Islands•
Oil and gas•
Puerto Rico•
Radioactive wastes and releases•
Research administration and funding•
Research and development•
Sales and excise taxes•
Solid waste and recycling•
State and local government operations•
Trade agreements and negotiations•
Transportation programs funding•
Transportation safety and security•
U.S. territories and protectorates•
Virgin Islands•
Water quality•
Wilderness and natural areas, wildlife refuges, wild rivers, habitats•
Wildlife conservation and habitat protection