Inspector General Protection Act
This bill requires the President to notify Congress each time the President places an inspector general on nonduty status.
If the President fails to make a formal nomination for a vacant inspector general position within 210 days after the vacancy occurred, the President shall communicate to Congress within 30 days after the end of such period (1) the reasons why the President has not yet made a formal nomination, and (2) a target date for making a formal nomination.
Inspector General Protection Act
This bill requires the President to notify Congress each time the President places an inspector general on nonduty status.
If the President fails to make a formal nomination for a vacant inspector general position within 210 days after the vacancy occurred, the President shall communicate to Congress within 30 days after the end of such period (1) the reasons why the President has not yet made a formal nomination, and (2) a target date for making a formal nomination.
Inspector General Protection Act
This bill requires the President to notify Congress each time the President places an inspector general on nonduty status.
If the President fails to make a formal nomination for a vacant inspe...