Ethics in Public Service Act
This bill provides statutory authority for provisions of the executive order titled Ethics Commitments by Executive Branch Personnel, which was issued on January 21, 2009, by President Barack H. Obama. The order required political appointees in the executive branch to sign an ethics pledge that restricted lobbying and related activities during and after government employment, including prohibitions on appointees communicating with their former agencies for two years post-employment and on lobbying agencies for the remainder of the presidential administration. The order was eventually revoked and replaced with executive orders from subsequent administrations.
On January 20, 2021, President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. issued an executive order titled Ethics Commitments by Executive Branch Personnel, which requires appointees to sign an ethics pledge with both similar and different provisions. For example, the order's pledge (1) prohibits post-employment lobbying, including lobbying on behalf of foreign governments, for the remainder of a presidential administration or for two years after appointments end, whichever is later; and (2) restricts appointees from accepting cash payments or non-cash benefits from former employers that are contingent on government employment (also known as golden parachutes).
Ethics in Public Service Act
This bill provides statutory authority for provisions of the executive order titled Ethics Commitments by Executive Branch Personnel, which was issued on January 21, 2009, by President Barack H. Obama. The order required political appointees in the executive branch to sign an ethics pledge that restricted lobbying and related activities during and after government employment, including prohibitions on appointees communicating with their former agencies for two years post-employment and on lobbying agencies for the remainder of the presidential administration. The order was eventually revoked and replaced with executive orders from subsequent administrations.
On January 20, 2021, President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. issued an executive order titled Ethics Commitments by Executive Branch Personnel, which requires appointees to sign an ethics pledge with both similar and different provisions. For example, the order's pledge (1) prohibits post-employment lobbying, including lobbying on behalf of foreign governments, for the remainder of a presidential administration or for two years after appointments end, whichever is later; and (2) restricts appointees from accepting cash payments or non-cash benefits from former employers that are contingent on government employment (also known as golden parachutes).
Ethics in Public Service Act
This bill provides statutory authority for provisions of the executive order titled Ethics Commitments by Executive Branch Personnel, which was issued on January 21, 2009, by President Barack H. O...
On January 20, 2021, President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. issued an executive order titled Ethics Commitments by Executive Branch Personnel, which requires appointees to sign an ethics pledge with both similar and different provisions. For example, the order's pledge (1) prohibits post-employment lobbying, including lobbying on behalf of foreign governments, for the remainder of a presidential administration or for two years after appointments end, whichever is later; and (2) restricts appointees from accepting cash payments or non-cash benefits from former employers that are contingent on government employment (also known as golden parachutes).