Walter Scott Notification Act of 2020
This bill establishes new requirements for existing grant programs to incentivize reporting on deadly shootings by law enforcement.
Specifically, it requires a state that receives funding under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) program to report certain data on deadly shootings by law enforcement officers. It reduces by 10% the JAG allocation of a state that fails to comply.
Additionally, for an initial four-year period, the Department of Justice (DOJ) may give preference to a Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program grant applicant from a state that reports data on deadly shootings by law enforcement. Beginning in the fifth year, DOJ must reduce by 20% the COPS allocation of a state that fails to report such data.
Walter Scott Notification Act of 2020
This bill establishes new requirements for existing grant programs to incentivize reporting on deadly shootings by law enforcement.
Specifically, it requires a state that receives funding...
Additionally, for an initial four-year period, the Department of Justice (DOJ) may give preference to a Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program grant applicant from a state that reports data on deadly shootings by law enforcement. Beginning in the fifth year, DOJ must reduce by 20% the COPS allocation of a state that fails to report such data.