United States-Israel Military Capability Act of 2020
This bill requires the Department of Defense, with the concurrence of the Israeli Ministry of Defense, to establish a United States-Israel Operations-Technology Working Group.
The purposes of the working group shall be to (1) provide a standing forum for the United States and Israel to identify and share intelligence-informed military capability requirements; (2) assist defense suppliers in both countries to gain government approval for conducting joint science, technology, research, development, test, evaluation, and production efforts; and (3) develop combined U.S.-Israel plans to research, develop, procure, and field weapons systems and military capabilities to meet common capability requirements.
United States-Israel Military Capability Act of 2020
This bill requires the Department of Defense, with the concurrence of the Israeli Ministry of Defense, to establish a United States-Israel Operations-Technology Working Group.
The purposes of the working group shall be to (1) provide a standing forum for the United States and Israel to identify and share intelligence-informed military capability requirements; (2) assist defense suppliers in both countries to gain government approval for conducting joint science, technology, research, development, test, evaluation, and production efforts; and (3) develop combined U.S.-Israel plans to research, develop, procure, and field weapons systems and military capabilities to meet common capability requirements.
United States-Israel Military Capability Act of 2020
This bill requires the Department of Defense, with the concurrence of the Israeli Ministry of Defense, to establish a United States-Israel Operations-Technology Working Group.
...The purposes of the working group shall be to (1) provide a standing forum for the United States and Israel to identify and share intelligence-informed military capability requirements; (2) assist defense suppliers in both countries to gain government approval for conducting joint science, technology, research, development, test, evaluation, and production efforts; and (3) develop combined U.S.-Israel plans to research, develop, procure, and field weapons systems and military capabilities to meet common capability requirements.