Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Act of 2016
(Sec. 2) This bill amends the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (commonly known as the Clean Water Act) to revise and reauthorize for FY2017-FY2021 the Environmental Protection Agency's Great Lakes Restoration Initiative.
Under a five-year action plan, the initiative must prioritize and carry out programs and projects for Great Lakes protection and restoration, including: (1) the remediation of toxic substances and areas of concern, (2) the prevention and control of invasive species and their impacts, (3) the protection and restoration of near-shore health and the prevention and mitigation of nonpoint source pollution, and (4) habitat and wildlife protection and restoration.
Funding made available to implement the initiative may not be used for any water infrastructure activity (other than a green infrastructure project that improves habitat and other ecosystem functions in the Great Lakes) for which funding is made available under the clean water or drinking water state revolving fund program. Federal agencies must: (1) maintain the base level of funding for their Great Lakes activities without regard to funding under the initiative, and (2) identify new activities to support the environmental goals of the initiative and the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement.
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Act of 2016
(Sec. 2) This bill amends the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (commonly known as the Clean Water Act) to revise and reauthorize for FY2017-FY2021 the Environmental Protection Agency's Great Lakes Restoration Initiative.
Under a five-year action plan, the initiative must prioritize and carry out programs and projects for Great Lakes protection and restoration, including: (1) the remediation of toxic substances and areas of concern, (2) the prevention and control of invasive species and their impacts, (3) the protection and restoration of near-shore health and the prevention and mitigation of nonpoint source pollution, and (4) habitat and wildlife protection and restoration.
Funding made available to implement the initiative may not be used for any water infrastructure activity (other than a green infrastructure project that improves habitat and other ecosystem functions in the Great Lakes) for which funding is made available under the clean water or drinking water state revolving fund program. Federal agencies must: (1) maintain the base level of funding for their Great Lakes activities without regard to funding under the initiative, and (2) identify new activities to support the environmental goals of the initiative and the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement.
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Act of 2016
(Sec. 2) This bill amends the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (commonly known as the Clean Water Act) to revise and reauthorize for FY2017-FY2021 the Environmental Protection Agency...
Under a five-year action plan, the initiative must prioritize and carry out programs and projects for Great Lakes protection and restoration, including: (1) the remediation of toxic substances and areas of concern, (2) the prevention and control of invasive species and their impacts, (3) the protection and restoration of near-shore health and the prevention and mitigation of nonpoint source pollution, and (4) habitat and wildlife protection and restoration.
Funding made available to implement the initiative may not be used for any water infrastructure activity (other than a green infrastructure project that improves habitat and other ecosystem functions in the Great Lakes) for which funding is made available under the clean water or drinking water state revolving fund program. Federal agencies must: (1) maintain the base level of funding for their Great Lakes activities without regard to funding under the initiative, and (2) identify new activities to support the environmental goals of the initiative and the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement.