Memorializing the unborn by lowering the United States flag to half-staff on the 22d day of January each year. Memorializing the unborn by lowering the United States flag ...

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Bill 119 HRES 56, also known as the Memorializing the Unborn Act, proposes to lower the United States flag to half-staff on the 22nd day of January each year in remembrance of unborn children who have lost their lives to abortion. The bill aims to bring attention to the issue of abortion and honor the lives that have been lost. The bill does not propose any specific actions or policies related to abortion, but rather serves as a symbolic gesture to recognize the impact of abortion on unborn children. Supporters of the bill argue that lowering the flag to half-staff on this day will raise awareness about the issue of abortion and encourage discussion about the rights of the unborn. Opponents of the bill may argue that it is a divisive and controversial issue, and that lowering the flag to half-staff may be seen as a political statement rather than a respectful gesture. They may also argue that the bill does not address the root causes of abortion or provide support for women facing unplanned pregnancies. Overall, Bill 119 HRES 56 seeks to honor the lives of unborn children lost to abortion and spark conversation about the issue of abortion in the United States. It remains to be seen whether the bill will gain widespread support and be passed into law.

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Bill 119 HRES 56, also known as the Memorializing the Unborn Act, proposes to lower the United States flag to half-staff on the 22nd day of January each year in remembrance of unborn children who have lost their lives to abor...