To require the evaluation of Federal agencies and programs for duplicative, wasteful, or outdated functions, and to recommend the elimination or realignment of such functions, and for other purposes. To require the evaluation of Federal agencies and programs f...

Recent Activity Alert

Bill 119 hr 824, also known as the "Duplication Reduction Act," aims to address inefficiencies within Federal agencies and programs by requiring them to undergo evaluations for duplicative, wasteful, or outdated functions. The bill seeks to identify areas where resources are being unnecessarily duplicated or wasted, and recommends either eliminating or realigning these functions to improve overall efficiency. The bill emphasizes the importance of streamlining government operations and ensuring that taxpayer dollars are being used effectively. By conducting regular evaluations of Federal agencies and programs, the goal is to identify areas where improvements can be made to eliminate redundancies and improve overall effectiveness. In addition to evaluating duplicative, wasteful, or outdated functions, the bill also aims to recommend ways to realign resources to better meet the needs of the American people. By identifying areas for improvement and making recommendations for change, the bill seeks to promote greater efficiency and effectiveness within the Federal government. Overall, Bill 119 hr 824 is focused on promoting accountability and transparency within Federal agencies and programs, with the ultimate goal of improving government operations and ensuring that taxpayer dollars are being used wisely.

Recent Activity Alert

Bill 119 hr 824, also known as the "Duplication Reduction Act," aims to address inefficiencies within Federal agencies and programs by requiring them to undergo evaluations for duplicative, wasteful, or outdated functions. Th...