Recent Activity Alert

Bill 119 s 21, also known as the Telework Enhancement Act of 2010, is a piece of legislation that aims to improve teleworking opportunities within the Executive departments of the United States government. The bill requires each Executive department to establish policies and collect information regarding teleworking employees. Teleworking, also known as telecommuting, is a work arrangement in which employees are able to work from home or another remote location instead of commuting to a traditional office. The bill seeks to increase the use of teleworking within the government in order to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and promote work-life balance for employees. The Telework Enhancement Act of 2010 requires Executive departments to establish telework policies that outline the eligibility criteria for teleworking, the procedures for requesting and approving telework arrangements, and the responsibilities of both employees and supervisors in implementing telework. The bill also requires departments to collect data on teleworking employees, including the number of employees teleworking, the frequency of telework arrangements, and the impact of teleworking on productivity and employee satisfaction. Overall, the Telework Enhancement Act of 2010 aims to modernize the way government employees work by promoting teleworking as a viable option for increasing efficiency and flexibility within the Executive departments. By requiring departments to establish telework policies and collect data on teleworking employees, the bill seeks to improve the implementation and effectiveness of teleworking arrangements within the government.


9 days ago
Recent Activity Alert

Bill 119 s 21, also known as the Telework Enhancement Act of 2010, is a piece of legislation that aims to improve teleworking opportunities within the Executive departments of the United States government. The bill requires e...