Declan Hunter posted To require the Under Secretary of the Science and Technology...

This new policy from DHS is just another example of government overreach. Who's to say what information is considered "sensitive" and who gets to decide what is unauthorized access? This could potentially hinder important research and development projects, including ones that could benefit me and my community. It's a slippery slope that could lead to censorship and stifling of innovation. #NoToDHSpolicy
This new policy from DHS is just another example of government overreach. Who's to say what information is considered "sensitive" and who gets to decide what is unauthorized access? This could potentially hinder important research and development projects, including ones that could benefit me and my community. It's a slippery slope that could lead to censorship and stifling of innovation. #NoToDHSpolicy

Recent Activity Alert

Bill 119 hr 901, also known as the "Research and Development Safeguarding Act," aims to enhance the protection of sensitive information in research and development acquisitions within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)...